You undoubtedly have many questions about where and how to start if you are beginning the process of writing your book. Although pre-planning and structuring your story can be very beneficial, many aspiring authors wonder, “How many chapters should I include in my book?” So, to address this question of numerous newbie authors, let’s discuss the importance of chapters and their length in a book.
Unfortunately, there is no one accurate answer to that question. Without taking into account genres or the intended readership, a book typically has roughly a dozen chapters. There is no set minimum or maximum for the number of chapters a book should contain. Instead, you can choose to follow a more traditional path and end up with 10-20 chapters or opt to be more experimental and have as many as 150 chapters. As chapters are only the areas where the author decides to break up the flow of their story.
Even among books with similar genres and target audiences, you would notice a great diversity in the total length and the number of chapters among some well-known books. The first volume in the Harry Potter series had a total of 17 chapters and around 77,000 words, but The Hunger Games had a maximum of 27 chapters and 99,750 words.
Moreover, remember that the number and length of the chapters in your book will be unique to you. The following considerations should be addressed while attempting to establish how many chapters your book should have:
You must first understand why you would want to incorporate chapters in the first place before attempting to estimate the number of chapters your book will have. They are by no means compulsory, but they can be a very supportive tool in arranging the whole story in a way that makes it easier for the reader to understand.
Each chapter ends with suitable space for the reader to pause and consider what they have just read. They also provide a valuable spot for the reader to take a longer break and get involved in some other activities as it’s not always possible to finish a book in one sitting. However, you need to develop a chapter in a way that they shouldn’t be so pleased that they don’t want to read the upcoming chapter when they return.
Keeping this in mind, it entirely makes sense to split your story into chapters that leave your readers fulfilled with the past chapters as well as excited to know more by reading the upcoming chapters. However, no book chapter should completely cover a story except the final one. In the meantime, you should also consider not raising questions that are not meant to be answered in the upcoming chapter, as this could significantly disappoint your readers and can lose their attention from the book.
Because there will be more possibilities for breaks throughout the story, lengthy novels will likely feature more chapters. What if you are writing a shorter piece of fiction? Shorter books can be a terrific opportunity to experiment with the pace and flow and become more used to the writing and chaptering process.
Short stories rarely feature chapters and are typically between 1,000 and 7,000 words in length. They occasionally have some scene transitions and pauses to indicate a change in setting or storyline.
However, novellas are much lengthier than short stories but have a maximum word count of about 20,000. You might decide to divide it into clearly defined chapters or choose to forgo formal chapters in favor of breaks, just like you would for a short story. This choice will mostly be influenced by the novella’s total length and the quantity and duration of its scenes.
So, chapters can be a valuable tool in your writer’s toolbox whether you are writing nonfiction, fiction, development, or a business book. For example, a cookbook could be separated into chapters that are specifically dedicated to dessert recipes or Spanish cuisine.
You now understand why chapters are necessary, but when should you really break up your manuscript into chapters? Should you make a decision when you are still outlining? Or do you want to hold off till the second draft?
There is no standardized process of writing a book. While some may strongly advise against writing without first organizing your chapters, others may argue that you shouldn’t even consider chapters before you have a decent first draft.
So, your own writing style will determine what works best for you, but here are some techniques to take into consideration:
Simply writing the entire book as a draft and later going back and dividing it into chapters where it makes the most sense is one technique to split your book into chapters. Those who write on the go or who like to create exploratory or zero drafts rather than adhere to a set structure will benefit from this more than others.
With this approach, you could compose a first draft in its entirety without thinking about where exactly to include chapter breaks. After then, you can review it while noting any places where breaks might be appropriate. This can follow important scenes. For example, look for areas where some of the reader’s queries have been answered, but there is still enough suspense to keep them wanting more. For example, while chapter breaks can highlight developing tension and keep the reader on the edge of their seat, you do not need to conclude each chapter with a traditional cliffhanger.
Searching for natural pauses in the story is another technique for deciding where chapter breaks should be placed. It’s possible that an important event or story point has come to an end. Perhaps the new information your protagonist has acquired will alter the plot’s direction. A chapter break works well everywhere and makes sense for readers to reflect on what they have just read.
Before starting the first draft, you could consider segmenting your story into chapters if you are a devoted outliner and mastermind. This approach will probably be most effective for those who enjoy having detailed and in-depth outlines.
By utilizing this technique, you can be thoughtful about the scenes you want to include in each chapter and how they will fit into the general framework of your story. Additionally, this should make developing and modifying your initial draft simpler. For example, if you discover that it is not working as expected, you can always modify them, but they will serve as a fantastic starting point.
You can take the average number for the genre and category you are writing in as a decent starting point and work your way up from there if you don’t want to create a detailed outline but still want to know how many chapters you should have in the end.
For example, the length of a young adult novel ranges from 50,000 to 75,000 words. Most experts agree that a fair rule of thumb to follow is 2,500–5,000 words each chapter. Therefore, a decent starting point for a young adult novel would be between 10 and 26 chapters.
After that, you can further specify it by looking at novels in the same genre as the one you are writing. Fantasy and science fiction stories are typically longer and more complex, whereas contemporary young adult stories generally are shorter.
The content, pace, and flow of your story are the most important factors to take into account when deciding how many chapters your book will include. You should make sure that each chapter starts in a way that draws the reader in, maintains their attention throughout, and leaves them wanting more.
In order to offer the readers some sense of pleasure while leaving the door open for them to continue reading, you should generally aim to address at least one issue by the conclusion of each chapter.
Typically, chapters are between 1500 to 5000 words long. Depending on how the story is paced and how much information is included in each chapter of the story. The length of each chapter will change throughout the book. However, when deciding on chapter length. Some genres allow you to showcase your creativity at a greater level, but it’s important to consider your reader’s preferences at this point.
Moreover, shorter chapters can significantly affect a novel’s rhythm or flow and can serve to increase the suspense of your story. So, a lengthy chapter can be included to communicate more comprehensively and slow down the story. However, both of them should be utilized accurately and cautiously to avoid giving readers the impression that they are being hurried or forced to read without much downtime.
Chapter titles are yet another aspect that mostly depends on personal preference. Although chapter names aren’t often required, some authors choose to use them.
Therefore, take into account the following considerations when deciding to include the chapter titles in your book:
Titles for chapters can be useful in a variety of ways. They can act as predictive clues for what each chapter will include. This could help pique the reader’s attention and motivate them to continue reading the book. Similarly, character differentiation in stories with several perspectives can also benefit significantly from them. For example, you can use the name of the character narrating the story as the title of your chapter.
Giving your chapters a title might be helpful to your readers. For example, if each chapter has a unique title that describes its contents, it can be simpler for readers to discover what they are searching for if they want or need to refer to anything that happened in an earlier chapter. Utilizing this technique can significantly help readers get more details and insights about the book.
You can always use chapter numbers if you are unsure whether naming your chapters is important or if you don’t believe it will be helpful to the reader or contribute to your story. It’s a simple method of labeling chapter breaks that doesn’t detract from the story.
There is no magic number, as previously mentioned. The simplest way to figure out how many chapters to write is to create an outline or draft and assess which parts of your story seem the most natural. Then, ensure that the tempo is appropriate and that the writing flows smoothly. Finally, ensure the chapters’ placement enhances the story rather than detracting readers from the story. After completing all that, you should have the ideal number of chapters for your book.
To inspire yourself and to help you see how your book will be organized, you might wish to establish a chapter target. We as a professional book writing service recommend that your initial draft should aim for around 15 chapters in such a situation. You will have a strong 60,000-word book if you write 15 chapters at a rate of 4,000 words each chapter. From there, you can add to it or cut it down to the length you want.